marți, 18 aprilie 2017

Thought of today

Sometimes you have to do some things that breaks your heart in the moment but you know if you don't it's gonna be worse on the long run.. 

You do it knowing the pain will pass and you gotta be strong until it passes so it will be better after it. You do it because you know that everything will come around and you'll be allright. 

You've done this before, you already know the steps you already know what's next.

But man it never gets easier.. every step hurts like the first time you went through it. The 'what ifs', the instant regret, the urge to just go back and pretend it never crossed your mind to do this.. the heaviness of responsibility for the decision and the heart that doesn't understand why.

The only thing that helps is that you already know that all this is not the end of the world and you know that if you resist to get outside in the storm at some point the sun will warm your face through the window telling it's already over and you'll go out enjoying the nice weather wondering what was wrong with you that wanted so bad to go in the storm..


Ne căutăm drumul prin viata încercând să găsim o cale comună, dar cărările fiecăruia par a se întâlni doar in punctul de plecare. Stam i...